20th Head of the Musō-jikiden Eishin-ryū School of Iaidō, Kōno Hyakuren
About us
As well as to conduct activities that contribute to preservation promotion and development of other schools. In order to fulfill the purposes the Federation carries out different activities in Japan and overseas including the following:
- carrying out educational training activities (seminars)
- publishing books and brochures
- grant certificates and hold qualification exams for a dan degrees in MJER iaido
- other
Official names:
Japanese: 一般社団法人 正統正流無雙直傳英信流居合道国際連盟
Romaji: Ippan shadan hojin Seito Seiryu Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido Kokusai Renmei
English: World MJER Iaido Federation
Board of Directors:
Chairman : Kobara Kenichi
Representative Director: Mochizai Shuichi
- : Asamiya Kyoko
- : Kaneda Hisato
- : Sakuma Masahiko
- : Ishido Akira
- : Miyazawa Yasutomo
- : Nakamura Yukinari
- : Uchizono Yoshinobu
- : Denoon Daniel
- : Matsumoto Hideaki
- : Kawakami Masatsugu
- : Takahashi Kazuyuki
- : Fujii Kazuo
- : Ohashi Tatsumi
- : Asamiya Kyoko
Founder Esaka Seigen (1926-2023)
Esaka Sensei is considered to be one of Japan’s finest sword practicioners.
Esaka Sensei was a co-founder of the All Japan Iaido Federation (Zen Nihon Iaido Renmei - ZNIR) in 1948 and is a head of the World MJER Iaido Federation or Seito Seiryu Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido Kokusai Renmei.
Esaka Sensei is a direct student of both the 20th Soke, Kono Minoru Hyakuren, and the 21st Soke, Fukui Torao. He holds a 10th dan in Muso Jikiden Eishin-Ryu Iaido and regularly instructs iaido practioners of all levels in Japan, North America, and Europe.
Esaka Sensei has held the following positions:
- Vice President of All Japan Iaido Federation (Zen Nihon Iaido Renmei)
- President of Kanto Regional All Japan Iaido Federation (Zen Nihon Iaido Kanto Chiku Renmei)
Iaido instructor for:
- Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Japan’s Self Defense Forces
- Iaido Renmei Defense Academy
Esaka Sensei teaches at his dojos in Shibuya (Tokyo) and Kita-Matsudo (north-east of Tokyo). Esaka Sensei began practicing iaido in 1956 with Fukui Torao Sensei who eventually became the 21st Soke of Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu. Esaka Sensei obtained shodan in 1958, became hanshi in 1976, and 10th dan in 1991. Esaka Sensei also practices kendo, and became 6th dan kyoshi in 1967.
Founder Esaka Seigen Iaido Biography
January 1958
- In the Air Self-Defense Force Gifu base, Kono Hyakuren teacher sit at someone’s feet in Fukui Torao teacher is disciples. By the way, 1940 Fukui teacher (1940) and became disciples of Kono teacher in May.
September 1960
- Fukui teacher Kono Hyakuren teacher is a teacher invited to Gifu base, and conducted workshops, Fukui teacher I was introduced to his students. It was a meeting of Esaka and Kono teacher.
Unfortunately indeed, Kono Hyakuren teacher, 1974 I closed his life at the age of 77 21 (1974) May.
During this time, I was bestowed from the Fukui teacher and teacher Kono Technology and sword of Iaido, the Teaching of numerous mental,
It has become the foundation of Esaka Seigen today.
- Fukui teacher Kono Hyakuren teacher is a teacher invited to Gifu base, and conducted workshops, Fukui teacher I was introduced to his students. It was a meeting of Esaka and Kono teacher.
Unfortunately indeed, Kono Hyakuren teacher, 1974 I closed his life at the age of 77 21 (1974) May.
September 1975
- Went to open a dojo Esaka Shibuya & Matsudo.
- Went to open a dojo Esaka Shibuya & Matsudo.
May 1976
- The Haimei the All Japan Iaido Federation Han-shi.
- The Haimei the All Japan Iaido Federation Han-shi.
October 1981
- The Haimei a 9-stage All Japan Iaido Federation.
- The Haimei a 9-stage All Japan Iaido Federation.
June 1990
- 1st German Iaido seminar held Workshops & Demonstration Board that until now since, was carried out in overseas counted 50 times, visiting countries spanning eight countries.
- 1st German Iaido seminar held Workshops & Demonstration Board that until now since, was carried out in overseas counted 50 times, visiting countries spanning eight countries.
May 1991
- The 10-stage Haimei All Japan Iaido Federation.
April 2010
- Set up a World MJER Iaido Federation.
- Set up a World MJER Iaido Federation.
May 2011
- Leave the All Japan Iaido Federation.
Oct 2015
- Published the book that “An Introduction to MJER Iaido”
For now you can buy it only at Japanese amazon here.
e-book is here.
- Published the book that “An Introduction to MJER Iaido”
Here is a tiny sneak peek at the book in English:
Chairman Kobara Kenichi
Chairman Kobara Kenichi Iaido Biography
- 1972
- Ito sensei(was practicing Iaido at the Kisarazu JSDF) was introduce Esaka sensei(was practicing Iaido at the Roppongi JSDF Hinoki-Dojo) to Kobara sensei.
Kobara sensei was impressed with Esaka sensei’s personality and Eishin-ryu Iaido, and became a pupil of Esaka sensei.
- Ito sensei(was practicing Iaido at the Kisarazu JSDF) was introduce Esaka sensei(was practicing Iaido at the Roppongi JSDF Hinoki-Dojo) to Kobara sensei.
- 2007
- Kobara sensei was Established Iaido Dojo “Genshin-kan(厳心館)” in Kisarazu, Chiba.
The name of the dojo was named by Esaka sensei.
- Kobara sensei was Established Iaido Dojo “Genshin-kan(厳心館)” in Kisarazu, Chiba.
- 2010
- Became the co-founder of the World MJER Iaido Federation with Esaka sensei, and after the federation was established, he began to act as an assistant to Chairman Esaka sensei as a director.
That same year, he was appointed as a federation official instructor from Esaka sensei.
- Became the co-founder of the World MJER Iaido Federation with Esaka sensei, and after the federation was established, he began to act as an assistant to Chairman Esaka sensei as a director.
- 2011
- Passed 8th dan(Hanshi) examination.
- 2012
- Became Instruct director of World MJER Iaido Federation.
- 2021
- The resignation of Esaka sensei as chairman was approved by the board of directors, and Kobara sensei was appointed as the new chairman by the nomination of Esaka sensei and the approval of the board of directors.
- 2022
- Cooperated as an instractor of MJER Iaido with the magazine of “刀剣Lovers入門” from NHK book.
- Appered as an instractor of MJER Iaido on NHK program “「趣味どきっ!」刀剣Lovers入門・参の剣” .
Waza or Techniques of MJER
All the techniques are divided in few levels, that are to be studied according to the grade of the practitioner.
Dai Nippon Battō Hō, Kihon
- The basic (kihon) techniques available for all beginners since practices from a standing position. First 7 waza are learned during the first few month of practice. 4 additional waza are learned after the second or third year of practice.
- 順刀其の一 Juntō Sono Ichi
- 順刀其の二 Juntō Sono Ni
- 追撃刀 Tsuigekitō
- 斜刀 Shatō
- 四方刀其の一 Shihōtō Sono Ichi
- 四方刀其の二 Shihōtō Sono Ni
- 斬突刀 Zantotsutō
Dai Nippon Battō Hō, Oku
- These waza begin using the Okuiai walking and noto pattern.
- 前敵逆刀 Zenteki Gyakutō
- 多敵刀 Tatekitō
- 後敵逆刀 Kōteki Gyakutō
- 後敵抜打 Kōteki Nukiuchi
Seiza no bu (sometimes known as Shoden (beginner level) or Ōmori-ryū)
- Along with the Dai Nippon Battō Hō, Kihon, it is the first and most basic set of techniques taught. Seiza no Bu waza are all performed from a formal kneeling position “chakuza” or “seiza“, with the general exception of Ōikaze, which often begins standing.
Seiza no bu (正座之部) contains the following techniques:
- 前 Mae
- 右 Migi
- 左 Hidari
- 後 Ushiro
- 八重垣 Yaegaki
- 受流 Ukenagashi
- 介錯 Kaishaku
- 附込 Tsukekomi
- 月影 Tsukikage
- 追風 Oikaze
- 抜打 Nukiuchi
Tatehiza no bu (also known as Chūden (middle level) or Eishin-ryū)
- This set was derived from techniques created by Hasegawa Eishin. It is the second set of techniques taught usually after the 3 dan. Tatehiza no bu waza are performed from “tatehiza” position, when half-seated with the right knee lifted up. Makkō waza is performed from seiza.
Tatehiza no bu (立膝之部) contains the following techniques:
- 横雲 Yokogumo
- 虎一足 Tora issoku
- 稲妻 Inazuma
- 浮雲 Ukigumo
- 颪 Oroshi
- 岩波 Iwanami
- 鱗返 Urokogaeshi
- 波返 Namigaeshi
- 瀧落 Takiotoshi
- 真向 Makkō
Okuiai Iwaza no Bu (also known as Okuden (inner transmission)
- The Okuiai sets contain advanced-level techniques. Okuiai Iwaza are performed from tatehiza.
Okuiai Iwaza no Bu (奥居合居業之部) contains the following techniques:
- 霞 Kasumi
- 脛囲 Sunegakoi
- 戸詰 Tozume
- 戸脇 Towaki
- 四方切 Shihōgiri
- 棚下 Tanashita
- 両詰 Ryōzume
- 虎走 Torabashiri
Okuiai Tachiwaza no Bu
- Okuiai Tachiwaza are performed from a standing position, with the exception of the three Itamagoi waza, that start from seiza.
Okuiai Tachiwaza no Bu (奥居合立業之部) contains the following techniques:
- 行連 Yukizure
- 連達 Tsuredachi
- 惣捲 Sō Makuri
- 惣留 Sō Dome
- 信夫 Shinobu
- 行違 Yukichigai
- 袖摺返 Sode Surigaeshi
- 門入 Mon’iri
- 壁添 Kabezoe
- 受流 Ukenagashi
- 暇乞其の一 Itomagoi Sono Ichi
- 暇乞其の二 Itomagoi Sono Ni
- 暇乞其の三 Itomagoi Sono San
- World MJER Iaido Federation
一般社団法人 正統正流無雙直傳英信流居合道国際連盟 - Our official dojos